Void and delete transactions in QuickBooks Online

We deal with different transactions and deals every day when we have a business and it’s very important to record all the transactions with monetary impact but sometimes your accounting may have an error by posting the transaction. When the books record an incorrect balance in your accounts it’s not attractive in your financial statement as well. Now have you started worrying about your accounts? Don’t worry QuickBooks online is your solution. It helps you void and deletes the transactions in QuickBooks Online to correct your ledger balance and your financial statement. What is the need to void a transaction? Voiding a translation does not completely erase the data from the books and doesn't create an impact on ledger book balances and your other balances. And any time if you want to open your records then you can easily go and access them but if you choose to void an invoice in the application, QuickBooks does not void any payments that are recorded for the invoice. What is the n...